21st century universities

 Existence is a competition, inclusively, multitasking to stay relevant in the education world.
Gradually, the Nigeria Educational system has begin to yield out positive results as most tertiary institutions has awaken from their long-time hibernated slumber to achieving there goals in the 21st century.
Really it has been challenging to be exemplary leading bodies in the productive systems of educations to move Nigeria and Africa forward in the 21st century .
NiSEA  initiative has been tested and proven to be the catalyst of productive educational systems to engineer students to be creative and skillful as the study, support tertiary and learning institutions to pioneering innovations and technology transfer. The body volunteer to be both local and international educational observers (Watchdogs) to spearhead productive educational systems, improve curriculum, support entrepreneurship developments in various institutions and rewarding academic excellence, supporting teachers and the teaching profession.
You could  imagine that for several decade the Nigerian tertiary institutions  had nothing to be proud of,  in terms of supporting the nation with innovations and technology gains.
Aside from graduating  thousand of students yearly, dozens of graduates stroll down the streets in searching for jobs. STASTITICS shown that  in every thousands only 000.5% venture into creating opportunities for others as the soar to be top class students and leaders who basically became leading brands in global business networks, innovators and creative designers overseas not because of the knowledge impacted in them but because of their determination and been inquisitive  to make a difference!
The big and greatest questions in the 21st century is' what curriculum are Nigerian tertiary institutions teaching that is affecting the state of employment opportunities, innovations and development  of graduates?
It's  a very huge shame seeing and getting to know that huge financial budget are invested in the government supported institutions either be it federal of state institutions, without the gain of  producing any  theoretical frame works or road map to the future, research and findings on how to transform the Nigerian economy (blueprints) and attract foreign investors, many had in this quest challenge and accused this various institutions for consuming a lot of funds without producing nothing, With so much challenge that this institutions had faced it not in any way striving in adding values to the image of the nation by self developing an academically  new counter productive curriculum to compete with the so call westernization, after-all every institution had the share blames of copy and paste of a borrowed curriculum without proper digest of the value, impact and security in our multi divers  ethnicity if it will support entrepreneurship and productive educational system or help to transform the lecturers from analogue to digitally advance teaching techniques, further more holds symposium, trainings, work shops for  lecturers that are creative, innovative and to redefine their goals and objectives by creating or proven facts that the students the taught and graduated are useful and employable.
Most of the tertiary institutions don't take advantage of the huge deposited resources in the nation (see environmental factors as an added advantage to improve research techniques and students IQ) as there is no tract records or data to show that this institutions are doing a vigorous research to improve the state of their goals and engaging their students to voyage into researching for something new by first contributing to  the development of the institution they attend or attended..
This week we are focusing on the success of the Nigerian tertiary institutions starting with The 21st Leading Institution in Nigeria, as we continue in tracking news, post and update from it online platform, physical assessment on it real time achievements and impact in the social economic and technology development of the institutions viable programmes, projects etc is not only to the benefits of the institution but to its environs and the Nation at large.
Ladies and gentlemen
Meet the 21st century tertiary institutions that knew the value and benefits of brain and mind power, skills and productivity as the engine room to drive and process there objectives into a finished product ready for export. Few institutions in Nigeria had the vision of the 21st century learning catalogue to ignite innovations and technology gains.
The objectives of the 21st century tertiary institutions should be to improve local contents productivity
, innovate, engineers and pioneer technology transfers to power the minds of every student-ships towards productivity  as it will help to develop a qualitative systems of educations that will support entrepreneurship development in various institutions across the nation, focus on exporting  ideas and finish products, value intellectual property, welcome and embrace researchers, collaborating with relevant body's to help to achieve their objectives.


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