On the 27th of March 2019 believing to be one of the most remarkable day in marina resort, as guests were patronizing the resort in the heartfelt city of Calabar, a SAGA of growing anger, and unlawfully human right violations like a tornados occurred, accompanied by the heavy present of some policemen that stormed the environment, the aggressive appearance and sudden attack carried out by the police was seem unlawful and embarrassing. Our team was present to obtain every legitmate information of what happened in the resort, as he gather clues from the victims / witnesses where the incident took place within the avenue of the resort. The arrest was orchestrated by the Managing Director of Tourism Bureau Mr. Clement Umina who frequently had carried out several arrests in the month of December 2018 Involving SARS and now the police said a witness. From the recent publications of a media in Calabar, this has proved that false information is in circulation about those arrested...